Development of Intercultural Management in Conditions of Civilization Challenges
Civilization calls and integration processes bring the adjustments in cross-cultural interaction of subjects of globalized market and their management. Taking it into account, the issues of cross-cultural man- agement is examined through the prism of the protracted evolutional development of principles, mechanisms and forms of cross-cultural collaboration. In the article it is indicated on the necessity of research of cross-cultural differences for direction of their interaction for effec- tive international projects. Taking into account internationalization of business, modern enterprises become international players at the in- ternational market, that induces to take into account the differences of national cultures and worldviews. Taking it into account, the authorial reason is in the necessity of organizational culture forming on the prin- ciples of national mentality, combining national aspects with global. In this context it is marked on a variant and purchase of strategy of de- velopment of cross-cultural management option: adaptations, borrow- ing (culture of borrowing) or innovative development (culture of pass- ing). Thus, a conclusion is done in the article, that a basic task in the context of development of cross-cultural management consists not in opposition, but concordance of interests, determination of general stra- tegic priorities, which will result in a successful collaboration in inte- grated space..
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