Meaning of cultural dimensions in management and business relationship creation

  • Malwina Zamojska‑Król AGH Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza w Krakowie
Keywords: dimensions, cultural models, international communication, business relationship, management


In this paragraph were discussed issues relating to explain what are the dimensions and cultural models. Here are presented summary results of the expert’s research in the field of intercultural communication and its importance for better management of organizations and build long- term partnerships and relationships. For enriching the understanding of the point, were described authentic experiences of researchers, or examples of situations, so you can see the different cultural pattern of conduct on the same situation.
Furthermore presented examples showed how strongly culturally di- verse countries one another. Therefore it’s indicated that research in or- der to identify all similar and contrasting elements, updating them and placing on the map of cultural dimensions of the world is an impor- tant issue not only serves their ordering. The result of these actions is in fact a practical guide to the values, norms and habits, which are mainly approved in each country, appears in the behavior of business partners. However, the purpose of this research, in addition to developing inter- cultural competence is also a cause to expand the boundaries of toler- ance, awareness of the thinking diversity, willingness to acculturation, flexibility in behavior, and most importantly intercultural empathy.

Author Biography

Malwina Zamojska‑Król, AGH Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza w Krakowie

Doktor nauk humanistycznych. Wykładowca akade- micki w Akademii Górniczo-Hutniczej w Krakowie. Od sześciu lat zajmuje się tematyką badań z zakresu komunikacji międzykulturowej w aspekcie mo- deli i wymiarów kulturowych względem osobowości biznesowo-zawo- dowej, podejścia do kwestii statusu, okazywania emocji, czy odbioru i zarzą- dzania czasem. Ponadto w kręgu jej zainteresowań naukowych znajdują się zagadnienia odnoszące się do psychologii międzykulturowej, projakościowej kultury organizacyjnej, public relations i rozwoju osobistego.


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How to Cite
Zamojska‑Król, M. 2017. Meaning of cultural dimensions in management and business relationship creation. Perspectives on Culture. 17, 2 (Jun. 2017), 99-112.