Film Adaptations of Polish Youth Literature of the 21st Century as a System of Cultural Codes

Keywords: cultural codes, culture, film adaptations, Polish literature, youth literature


The article analyzes film adaptations of Polish youth literature published in the 21st century and indicates contemporary Polish productions’ cultural codes aimed at young audiences. The following issues appeared attractive: features of works most readily adapted, trends visible in film adaptations understood as reinterpretations of book pre-texts.

The researcher used source analysis (film material, streaming services) and a case study. The researcher also used the statistical method to film adaptations’ availability and popularity among young audiences. The study was conducted using the questionnaire technique, and the tool was an electronic questionnaire addressed in the first case to the 14–16 age group. The second questionnaire was addressed to undergraduate students and included a set for writing associations. The analysis of the material refuted the research hypothesis that in contemporary Poland, literary works for young people are eagerly used and adapted for full-length films’ needs. It turned out that the few exceptions were primarily adaptations of fantasy and science-fiction genres. The analysis of cultural codes showed that they form a set of interrelated meanings. This system is dominated by family and friendship relationships, family home, travels, and clock measuring.


Author Biography

Marlena Gęborska, Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach

Doktor nauk humanistycznych, od 2011 r. pracownik Uniwersytetu Śląskiego w Katowicach, obecnie na stanowisku adiunkta. W latach 2014–2015 pracownik Biblioteki Narodowej w Warszawie. W latach 2015–2021 nauczyciel informatyki oraz nauczyciel bibliotekarz. Zainteresowania badawcze: promocja w instytucjach kultury, media społecznościowe, literatura dla dzieci i młodzieży. Autorka monografii: Biblioteka aktywnie promująca książkę dziecięcą (2018), Model biblioteki aktywnie promującej książkę dziecięcą (2019). Więcej informacji można znaleźć na stronie internetowej:


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How to Cite
Gęborska, M. 2021. Film Adaptations of Polish Youth Literature of the 21st Century as a System of Cultural Codes. Perspectives on Culture. 34, 3 (Nov. 2021), 157-176. DOI: