Image of Psychopath in Current Culture vs. Scientific Knowledge About Psychopathy

Reflections Inspired by a Review of Selected Studies on the Portrayal of Psychopathy in Culture and Social Consciousness

Keywords: psychopathy, scientific knowledge, personality disorders, pop culture, media


Culture is one of the salient sources shaping social perception of mental disorders. The way that mentally disordered people are portrayed in media, TV, movies and pop culture reflects in common beliefs and social attitudes toward them. Undoubtedly, psychopathy falls within the realm of these disorders, the cultural depiction of which is increasingly presented to the mass audience. This article endeavors to explore whether the portrayal of psychopaths in modern culture aligns with scientific perspectives and research on psychopathic personality traits. Drawing on a review of pertinent research, the analysis delves into the relationship between cultural representations and scientific understanding. Additionally, it highlights the impact of cultural influences on public knowledge of psychopathy. The conclusions derived from this analysis could prove valuable not only in the exploration of the interplay between science, media, and society, but also in stimulating further inquiry into the distinct portrayal of psychopathy evident in cultural contexts.

Author Biography

Krzysztof Nowakowski, AIK Kraków

Doktor nauk społecznych w zakresie psychologii, psycholog i socjolog, kierownik Katedry Psychologii Sądowej i Psychokryminologii w Instytucie Psychologii Uniwersytetu Ignatianum w Krakowie; zajmuje się badaniem czynników ryzyka przestępczości i nieprzystosowania społecznego, w tym problematyką psychopatii. Autor ponad 30 publikacji, monografii Inteligencja emocjonalna a kompetencje społeczne osób o psychopatycznej strukturze osobowości i Cechy psychopatyczne, impulsywność i samoocena a typy agresji u nieletnich.


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How to Cite
Nowakowski, K. 2023. Image of Psychopath in Current Culture vs. Scientific Knowledge About Psychopathy: Reflections Inspired by a Review of Selected Studies on the Portrayal of Psychopathy in Culture and Social Consciousness. Perspectives on Culture. 44, 1 (Nov. 2023), 385-396. DOI: