Time and senses

Correlation and Transformation in Apocalyptic Texts Using the 11th Chapter of the Revelation of St. John as an Example

Keywords: time, senses, Revelation, trauma, witnesses


Biblical apocalypticism has developed its own language of temporal terms. Due to the peculiarities of the genre and the associated rhetoric and the process of persuasion conducted through it, they become very strongly linked to the senses. An interesting example due to the accumulation of both temporal and sensory terms is the eleventh chapter of the Revelation of St. John. Their correlation and transformation within 19 verses is woven into images of very rich meaning, taken from both the Old and New Testaments, presented succinctly, in a manner appropriate to this cultural text. The treatment of the aforementioned transformations from the grammatical side is interesting, as it reflects Semitic thought verbalized with koine. Also noteworthy is the euphony, important in these cultural texts, because of the peculiarities of their formation and functioning of the community. The multifaceted approach to the theme of the transformation of time in the Revelation of St. John seems highly original compared to other literary texts.

Author Biography

Joanna Nowińska, Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach

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How to Cite
Nowińska, J. 2024. Time and senses: Correlation and Transformation in Apocalyptic Texts Using the 11th Chapter of the Revelation of St. John as an Example. Perspectives on Culture. 45, 2 (Jun. 2024), 93-106. DOI:https://doi.org/10.35765/pk.2024.4502.08.
Transformations within Time: Christianity