Joseph Conrad’s The Mirror of The Sea: A Gloss Over Modernity

Keywords: liquid modernity, acceleration, technological revolution, modernist autobiography, the new biography


The Mirror of the Sea does not exactly belong within the innermost circle of Joseph Conrad’s literary legacy. Even though it met with an immediate success upon its publication, today it mainly attracts critical attention on the merit of its intricate form rather than as a commentary on technology and progress. By contrast, this article is focused upon the content of certain side notes, digressions, and implications exhibiting a stable juxtaposition of the past with the present. With Zygmunt Bauman’s theory of liquid modernity as a theoretical backdrop, the paper argues that The Mirror of the Sea gives expression to the processes of acceleration that became perspicuous at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. Apparently, a re-definition of the relation between time and space followed in the footsteps of the technological advances, which seems to be a central issue in The Mirror of the Sea. Hence, the early-modernist autobiography appears as a valuable commentary upon the changing notion of time at that outset of modernity.

Author Biography

Sylwia Janina Wojciechowska, Ignatianum University in Cracow

Adiunkt w Katedrze Nauk o Literaturze w Instytucie Neofilologii Uniwersytetu Ignatianum w Krakowie. Jest absolwentką Filologii Klasycznej UMK w Toruniu oraz Filologii Angielskiej i Włoskiej Uniwersytetu w Stuttgarcie, Niemcy. Jej zainteresowania obejmują brytyjską twórczość modernistyczną, literaturę sielankową, studia nad nostalgią i trybem pastoralnym. Oprócz licznych artykułów opublikowała dwie monografie: Re(Visions) of the Pastoral in Selected British and American post-Romantic Fiction (2017) i Nost/algia as a Mode of Reflection in the Autobiographical Narratives of Joseph Conrad and Henry James (2023) oraz zredagowała tom Colossus. How Shakespeare Still Bestrides the Cultural and Literary World (2018). Jest członkiem British Comparative Literature Association, Polish Association for the Study of English, Joseph Conrad Society (UK) oraz Polskiego Towarzystwa Conradowskiego.


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How to Cite
Wojciechowska, S.J. 2023. Joseph Conrad’s The Mirror of The Sea: A Gloss Over Modernity. Perspectives on Culture. 45, 2 (Dec. 2023), 139-152. DOI: