Time of Agreements in Joseph Conrad’s An Outcast of the Islands

Keywords: time, Joseph Conrad, agreement, John M. McTaggart, gambling


This article examines the temporality of human agreements on the basis of Joseph Conrad’s novel, An Outcast of the Islands, and in reference to John M. Taggart’s thesis about the unreality of time. The execution of contracts is a mastery over time, but since, as Conrad’s contemporary, the philosopher J.M. McTaggart proclaimed in his work The Unreality of Time, time is not part of the real world, contracts cannot be so either. Commercial contracts, civil contracts, gentlemen’s agreements, and marriage contracts – although they concern very specific matters that are fraught with consequences and they are a kind of farce precisely because of their temporal aspect. Making alliances and taking up responsibilities turns out to be, in the light of McTaggarts’s theory, not only a contractual, but also hazardously ambivalent action, because it never stops time, nor does it lead to eternal duration, but contradicts it entirely. From such a perspective, knowledge of the explicit and hidden terms of the contract becomes more important than the struggle for its duration.

Author Biography

Anna M. Szczepan-Wojnarska, Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsow

Associate Professor in Literature Studies at Cardinal Wyszynski University in Warsaw. Director of the Institute of Polish Philology (2012–2016), Chair of PhD Studies at the Faculty of Humanities (2014–2022), and Director of the Department of the Literary Studies UKSW (2021–2024). Her publications include books “… You Will Get Married to a Fire”: J. Liebert. The Experience of Transcendence in the Life and the Works of Jerzy Liebert (2003), To Forgive God. A Figure of Job in the Literature Related to WWII (2008) and To Believe Words (2023). A member of the British and Polish Joseph Conrad Societies. She publishes articles and edits volumes on contemporary literature.


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How to Cite
Szczepan-Wojnarska, A.M. 2024. Time of Agreements in Joseph Conrad’s An Outcast of the Islands. Perspectives on Culture. 45, 2 (Mar. 2024), 245-258. DOI:https://doi.org/10.35765/pk.2024.4502.18.