Transformations of the Classics in the 21st Century

the Case of L.M. Montgomery’s Anne of Green Gables

Keywords: literary classics, a graphic novel, Anne of Green Gables, tranformations of place, time, characters


The literary classics is timeless by definition but paradoxically it changes in time in its countless adaptations into different media. One of the interesting phenomena of the 21st century is the popularity of graphic novels which are based on the classic. Examples can be multiplied. If the English classic is taken into account, several adaptations of the novels by Jane Austen, Joseph Conrad, Charles Dickens, C.S. Lewis, Virginia Woolf may be mentioned among the others. My research is focused on one of the classical novels by the Canadian writer L.M. Montgomery Anne of Green Gables (1908) and the graphic novel (with the same title) based on it (with the same title) by M. Marsden and B. Thummler (2017). This is a case study presenting the transformation of the classic novels into graphic ones and taking into consideration especially times when the novels were written and what has been changed in their graphic adaptations of the 21st century. The main research questions are: how the times are represented both in the original novel and its contemporary transformation? How the setting, characters and plot are transformed (if they are)? The aim of the paper is to analyse all these transformations, define their main features and to find out their influence on the original message of the novel.

Author Biography

Krystyna Zabawa, Ignatianum University in Cracow

Professor and head of the Literary Studies Department in the Modern Languages Institute at Jesuit University in Kraków. She graduated from the Jagiellonian University. Her fields of interests include poetry, female writers, children’s and YA literature. In 2013 she published the monograph entitled Rozpoczęta opowieść. Polska literatura dziecięca po 1989 roku [A Tale Begun. Polish Children’s Literature after 1989 with regard to Contemporary Culture] and in 2017 – Literatura dziecięca w kontekstach edukacyjnych [Children’s Literature in Education]. She is a member of IBBY Polish Section and IRSCL. She regularly publishes book reviews.


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How to Cite
Zabawa, K. 2024. Transformations of the Classics in the 21st Century: the Case of L.M. Montgomery’s Anne of Green Gables. Perspectives on Culture. 45, 2 (Jun. 2024), 313-326. DOI: