
A New Phenomenon in the Digital Space. Genesis, Characteristics, Consequences

Keywords: social media, zeroculturality, multiculturalism, political science, digital communication


This article explores a recently discovered phenomenon in the digital landscape, labeled as “zeroculturality.” Unveiled through the author’s recent research in the realms of politics, culture, and communication, zeroculturality represents a transformative shift where cultural boundaries are not only spontaneously vanishing but are also intentionally obliterated. Individuals embodying zeroculturality consciously reject conventional cultural norms while preserving specific values, adapting their identity to synchronize with the dynamic demands of time and place. Essentially, these individuals may discard certain cultural behaviors while retaining the fundamental values associated with them. While not yet pervasive, zeroculturality merits significant consideration, particularly for entities striving to effectively communicate, manage relationships, and disseminate information. Traditional approaches in persuasive communication, grounded in demographics, psychosocial factors, or values, may be losing efficacy. The author’s research on zeroculturality aims to have a practical impact by offering insights that can guide effective communication, business strategies, and political decision-making in the digital age. The article provides a nuanced understanding of how individuals embracing zeroculturality navigate cultural boundaries, offering practical solutions for communicators to engage effectively with this audience. In the business sphere, the research seeks to inform marketers on tailoring strategies to the unique purchasing behaviors of those embodying zeroculturality. Additionally, the author hopes policymakers will leverage these insights to make informed decisions on societal values in the face of evolving cultural norms. Ultimately, the research aims to bridge the gap between academic understanding and practical application, empowering professionals across various sectors to navigate the challenges posed by zeroculturality in the digital era.

Author Biography

Agnieszka Grzechynka, Ignatianum University in Cracow

Ph.D. in Social Sciences (Jagiellonian University in Krakow) and Executive MBA (the Polish-American Business School of Cracow University of Technology). Lecturer at the Jesuit University Ignatianum in Krakow, owner of the PR agency Go Public, former TV journalist. Member of the International Political Science Association (IPSA), Polish Political Science Association, and Polish Association for International Studies. Author of scientific publications on the use of social media and new information technologies in political and business strategies.


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How to Cite
Grzechynka, A. 2024. Zeroculturality: A New Phenomenon in the Digital Space. Genesis, Characteristics, Consequences. Perspectives on Culture. 45, 2 (Jan. 2024), 419-432. DOI: