Domestic Violence during the COVID-19 Pandemic

An Overview of Current Literature

Keywords: domestic violence, pandemic, COVID-19


Domestic violence (DV) is the most common issue affecting the most vulnerable who are not able to defend themselves. The COVID-19 pandemic created conditions for it to occur. The aim of this work was to review the current literature on DV during the pandemic in 2020 and 2021. The material and method of choice were a review of the literature from the years 2020–2021. The results regarding violence against women, children and the elderly were analyzed and criticized. Results: during the analyzed period, about 200 articles contained the key words. 37 of them were qualified to the complete analysis. They were selected from different countries. Conclusions: The pandemic led to a rise in DV. It was noticed that the number of attempts to seek help was lower. There were trigger factors such as a high level of negative emotions, being overwhelmed by housework, job loss, poor financial situation, and psychoactive substances.

Author Biographies

Wioletta Ławska, Podhalańska Państwowa Uczelnia Zawodowa w Nowym Targu

Magister pielęgniarstwa, doktor nauk medycznych. Starszy wykładowca w Instytucie Medycznym Podhalańskiej Państwowej Uczelni Zawodowej w Nowym Targu. Specjalista pielęgniarstwa psychiatrycznego. Jej zainteresowania naukowe dotyczą problemów zdrowia psychicznego oraz geriatrii.

Marta Makara-Studzińska, Collegium Medicum Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego

Specjalista psycholog kliniczny, specjalista zdrowia publicznego, suicydolog, psychoterapeuta, superwizor psychoterapii. Pracownik naukowy Zakładu Psychologii Zdrowia, Wydziału Nauk o Zdrowiu, UJ Collegium Medicum.


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Ustawa o przeciwdziałaniu przemocy w rodzinie z dnia 29 lipca 2005 r. Pozyskano z: (dostęp: 05.01.2022).

How to Cite
Ławska, W. and Makara-Studzińska, M. 2022. Domestic Violence during the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Overview of Current Literature. Perspectives on Culture. 42, 3 (Sep. 2022), 535-548. DOI:

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