“A garden enclosed, a fountain sealed”: The Song of Songs and its Ecclesiastical Significance in Seventeenth-century Ukraine

Keywords: The Song of Songs, seventeenth-century Ukraine, ecclesiological exegesis, Lazar Baranovych, Ioanykii Galiatovs’kyi, Stefan Iavors’kyi


This article addresses an aspect of the seventeenth-century milieu that has not received the scholarly attention it deserves: how Ukrainian Orthodox literati received, adapted, and transformed the Song of Songs and its bridal imagery. At the crossroads between the Catholic West and the Byzantine East, seventeenth-century Ukraine is a fascinating case study of the shifts of meaning and intended audience of the particular biblical book and its exegetical tradition. In particular, I examine how some of the most influential early modern Ukrainian writers (Lazar Baranovych, Ioanikii Galiatovs’kyi, Stefan Iavors’kyi, and Dymytrii Tuptalo) used the Song as a template for meditating on the nature of the Church as they envisioned it – as an instrument for thinking about a “collective” institution. I argue that these authors brought their involvement with ecclesiastical politics and pastoral responsibility to the exegesis of this book, using the Song, often in combination with imagery from the Apocalypse, to articulate and define the boundaries of the Kyiv Church during a time of crisis.

Author Biography

Maria Grazia Bartolini, University of Milan

An Associate Professor of Medieval Slavic Culture at the University of Milan. Her research focuses on the intersection of preaching and visual arts in seventeenth-century Ukraine, and she has published various articles on the religious culture of early modern Ukraine. Bartolini is the author of Piznai samoho sebe (Kyiv, 2017), a monograph on Hryhorii Skovoroda and Christian Neoplatonism which was awarded the 2019 Ivan Franko International Prize.


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How to Cite
Bartolini, M.G. 2022. “A garden enclosed, a fountain sealed”: The Song of Songs and its Ecclesiastical Significance in Seventeenth-century Ukraine. Perspectives on Culture. 38, 3 (Sep. 2022), 123-136. DOI:https://doi.org/10.35765/pk.2022.3803.09.
Studies on Eastern Churches Culture within the Borders of the Former Polish-Lith