Places Beyond Places
Polish National Parks as a Field and Laboratory
The article concerns selected types of scientific and conservation spatial practices. The author is interested in Polish national parks as places for the production of knowledge about nature. He asks questions how the environment was adapted to this function, and how this adaptation was linked to the much more general tendencies toward the laboratory procedures and fieldwork in natural sciences at the turn of the 20th century. The article contains analyses of selected projects of Polish naturalists, activists and employees of national parks aimed at giving scientific status to conservation practices.
The results of the research allow drawing conclusions that national parks are borderland places, where different ways of producing and using the acquired knowledge are tested. Conservation places appear as complex assemblages in which the selected tools and epistemic frameworks of technoscience have clothed into naturalized spatial formulas flowing from the adoption of certain ontological assumptions in a world of many worlds. The author proves that national parks – a result of the process of territorialization of nature – have been formed as places beyond places that allow mediating between fieldwork and laboratory modalities of technoscientific knowledge production.
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