Habsburgian Ladies of the Court

Recruitment System for the Courts of the Wives of Sigismund III Vasa

Keywords: queen, Anne of Austria (1573–1598), Queen of Poland, Constance of Austria (1588–1631), court, courtier


In this article, the queen’s court is seen as a place of her activity, where she creates multi-dimensional interpersonal relationships, becoming the center of a complex social network. Its aim is to present the Habsburg wives of Sigismund III as conscious ladies of the court who influenced the selection of courtiers. Queens Anne and Constance initiated the recruitment process. They benefited from the intermediation of the Munich court. They had specific requirements for candidates for courtiers. They judged the work of their servants but in return, they surrounded them with loving care. The Habsburg women cared for the appropriate living and financial conditions of their courtiers, especially the upbringing and favorable marriage to the ladies-in-waiting. With their actions, they made their coutrs resemble well-managed households.

Author Biography

Aleksandra Barwicka-Makula , Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach

Doktor nauk humanistycznych, historyk, pracownik Instytutu Historii Uniwersytetu Śląskiego w Katowicach, autorka książki Od wrogości do przyjaźni. Habsburgowie austriaccy wobec Polski w latach 1587–1592 (Katowice 2019), nominowanej do Nagrody im. Wacława Felczaka i Henryka Wereszyckiego. Prowadzi badania nad polityką zagraniczną i wewnętrzną Zygmunta III Wazy oraz życiem dworskim w dobie panowania pierwszego Wazy na polskim tronie. Interesują ją także losy polskich królowych pochodzących z dynastii Habsburgów.


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How to Cite
Barwicka-Makula , A. 2022. Habsburgian Ladies of the Court: Recruitment System for the Courts of the Wives of Sigismund III Vasa. Perspectives on Culture. 39, 4 (Dec. 2022), 127-140. DOI:https://doi.org/10.35765/pk.2022.3904.11.