Cultural Rights in the Cantonal and Federal Constitutions of the Swiss Confederation

Keywords: cultural rights, Swiss Confederation, cantons


This article aims to confront the elements of cultural rights contained in the constitution of the Swiss Confederation and in the constitutions of the 26 cantons that make up this state, with the codification of cultural rights collected in the so-called Fribourg Declaration of 2007. Although some cultural rights are found in the above-mentioned constitutions, it is rather in a fragmentary and dispersed form. On the other hand, the level of realization of cultural rights in Switzerland is very high. Thus, sensitivity to diversity, respect for otherness, and the effort of shaping one’s identity or getting to know other cultures are values that mature over long periods and cannot be decreed.

Author Biography

Andrzej Porębski, Jagiellonian University

Dr hab., socjolog; jego zainteresowania koncentrują się wokół problematyki narodu, mniejszości etnicznych, wielokulturowości współczesnych społeczeństw europejskich, a zwłaszcza Szwajcarii, oraz metodologii badań społecznych. Od czasu studiów związany jest z Uniwersytetem Jagiellońskim w Krakowie.


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How to Cite
Porębski, A. 2023. Cultural Rights in the Cantonal and Federal Constitutions of the Swiss Confederation. Perspectives on Culture. 41, 2/2 (Jun. 2023), 227-242. DOI: