August Fryderyk Moszyński, A Polish Illuminist Traveling Between Padua and Venice

Keywords: August Fryderyk Moszyński, Enlightenment, Italian journey, travel writing, death in Venice


Written down in French, the diary of a journey through France and Italy (1784–1786) by Count August Fryderyk Moszyński (1731–1786) – architect, collector, and erudite man, passionate about art and science, an important figure of the Polish Enlightenment, collaborator, and friend of King Stanislaus II Augustus – is a veritable mine of information for the researchers of the 18th century. The aim of this article is to supplement or clarify information on the last weeks of the Count’s life he spent in Padua and Venice, and the circumstances of his death, as well as to find out if he was a promoter of Polish culture when he travelled in the Veneto region. The analysis of his travel diary made it possible to identify elements concerning real or hypothetical links between the culture of Serenissima and that of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth, as well as comparisons between the political and cultural life of the two countries. Selected entries from the diary have been juxtaposed with other sources from the period, thanks to which it has been established, among other things, that Moszyński visited Padua on his way to Venice, around 22 May 1786, and returned to that city to watch the horse races at Prato della Valle on 27 June 1786. By using and interpreting archival documents kept in Warsaw and Venice, it was possible to definitely establish the circumstances of the traveller’s death (place, date, cause) and burial (date, location).

Author Biography

Justyna Łukaszewicz, Università di Breslavia

è professore di Scienze Umanistiche presso l'Università di Breslavia dove dirige la Sezione di Italianistica del Dipartimento di Lingue e Letterature Romanze e la rivista scientifica Italica Wratislaviensia. I suoi interessi di ricerca riguardano le relazioni culturali e letterarie franco-polacche e italo-polacche. È autrice di numerose pubblicazioni sulle traduzioni letterarie e teatrali dal XVIII al XXI secolo, tra cui tre monografie. La più recente è dedicata al confine letterario polacco-italiano ai tempi di Stanislao II Augusto (2021).


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How to Cite
Łukaszewicz, J. 2023. August Fryderyk Moszyński, A Polish Illuminist Traveling Between Padua and Venice. Perspectives on Culture. 41, 2/1 (Jun. 2023), 89-104. DOI: