Meanings Situated in a Distributed Context
Exploring the Cultural History of Post-truth
Post-truth is examined as a cultural phenomenon and a dispositif, emphasizing the need to diagnose its multilateral presence, particularly within the realm of new media and technology. The historical and contemporary semantic these concepts’ context and domains of application are examined, taking into account the primary clue in the cultural history of the post-truth phenomenon, namely its longstanding presence in the “old history” of civilization characterized by political structures, techno-science, and the influential power of myth orchestrated by specialists in persuasion techniques, while acknowledging the fact that new media appear merely as neoteric in this regard. Within this framework, the expansive classification of post-truth media politics is delineated, characterized by emerging disinformation technologies and the erosion of trust in scientific discourse. The Kantian inquiries posed at the conclusion – regarding what can be known, what ought to be done, and what should be anticipated – are already integrated within the response to confront the “post-truth regime”. This response is encapsulated in the equation: the state of knowledge of contemporary humanity equals new media and new technologies, which, notwithstanding their role in engendering the issue, also offer a pathway to its resolution.
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