Evaluating the Attractiveness and Authenticity of Cultural Heritage Sites

A Case Study of Ojców National Park

Keywords: cultural heritage, protection of cultural heritage, authenticity, Tripadvisor, Ojców National Park


The quest for authenticity is often cited as a key trend in cultural tourism. However, some researchers argue that contemporary tourism increasingly undervalues authenticity when assessing the attractiveness of sites. This article examines these perspectives through a case study of Ojców National Park (ONP), analyzing data from Tripadvisor, Google, Polskie Szlaki, and ZamkoMania websites to evaluate the popularity and appeal of cultural heritage sites within the park. The study investigates how tourist opinions and ratings correlate with their perceptions of authenticity. It finds that authenticity is a significant factor for only a small segment of visitors to ONP, and there is notable variability in how authenticity is understood. Tourists often struggle to accurately and consistently evaluate the authenticity of attractions such as historic buildings, including castles and ruins.

Author Biography

Witold Warcholik, University of the National Education Commission, Krakow

Holds a Ph.D. in Earth Sciences from the University of the National Education Commission in Krakow, where he is affiliated with the Institute of Management and Social Affairs specifically in the Department of Tourism and Regional Studies. He is an academic lecturer and has authored several publications in the fields of tourism, geomorphology, cartography, and Geographic Information Systems (GIS). A dedicated advocate for Krakow and the Low Beskids, Warcholik is also a licensed guide, tour operator, and qualified tourism instructor.


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How to Cite
Warcholik, W. 2024. Evaluating the Attractiveness and Authenticity of Cultural Heritage Sites: A Case Study of Ojców National Park. Perspectives on Culture. 46, 3 (Sep. 2024), 449-460. DOI:https://doi.org/10.35765/pk.2024.4603.28.