Synagogue and Ecclesia: Past, Present, FutureVol. 46 No. 3 (2024)
Oddajemy w Państwa ręce kolejny numer Perspektyw Kultury poświęcony kulturze dialogu i dialogowi kultur. Tak się złożyło, że w bieżącym roku przypadła 20. rocznica śmierci orędownika dialogu międzyreligijnego księdza Stanisława Musiała, który należał do grona wybitnych jezuitów drugiej połowy XX w. Ojciec Stanisław Musiał SJ (1938–2004) znany był nie tylko jako orędownik dialogu międzyreligijnego, ale przede wszystkim pionier dialogu chrześcijańsko-żydowskiego i polsko-żydowskiego. Niniejszy jubileusz stwarza niezwykłą okazję do tego, aby przyjrzeć się dialogowi chrześcijańsko-żydowskiemu w teorii i praktyce. Obecny numer tematyczny Perspektyw Kultury zatytułowany jest Synagoga i Eklezja. Przeszłość, teraźniejszość, przyszłość. Jest w pewnym stopniu pokłosiem sympozjum związanego z wręczeniem nagrody imienia Stanisława Musiała SJ. W trakcie sympozjum zastanawialiśmy się nad relacjami między Synagogą i Kościołem. Czy Kościół jest nową Synagogą? Czy teologia zastępstwa jest nadal aktualna? Czy można jednocześnie być żydem i chrześcijaninem? Może trzeba być żydem, by być uczniem Jezusa z Nazaretu? Czy Kościół jest nowym Izraelem? Co więc ze „starym” Izraelem? Jak dzisiaj wyglądają relacje żydowsko-katolickie? Wspólnota żydowska i wspólnota uczniów Chrystusa mają za sobą dwa tysiące lat współistnienia, często trudnego i naznaczonego napięciami. Wspólna historia skłania nas do refleksji nad kategorią prawdy i całokształtem relacji chrześcijańsko-żydowskich.
Kultura w mediach, media w kulturzeVol. 44 No. 1 (2024)
The current issue of our quarterly is primarily dedicated to two leading themes. The first theme, “Culture in the Media, Media in Culture”, engages authors in a contemplation of the media’s role within contemporary communication-cultural rituals and presents the media sphere as a platform for the dissemination of cultural norms and values. Doctor Jarosław Kinal from the University of Rzeszów serves as the guest editor for this segment of Perspectives on Culture. The second leading theme is the “Historical City” under the editorship of Assistant Professor Andrzej Laskowski, professor at UEK. Within this section, authors endeavor to elucidate how urban communities have reacted to diverse crisis scenarios, which have concurrently served as remedies for the manifold afflictions encountered by urban spaces throughout history. Additionally, the issue comprises other works featured within regular sections.
Around Costume in Culture: Dressing Up, Concealing, Creating, Manifesting, Contesting. In Tradition and ModernityVol. 43 No. 4/2 (2023)
We are presenting you with another issue of Perspectives on Culture. The current issue of our quarterly is related to a multifaceted cultural and historical reflection on the presence of costume in culture over the centuries, to which topic a thematic section has been devoted. The editing work was undertaken by Professors: Beata Bigaj-Zwonek, Izabela Kaczmarzyk and Monika Stankiewicz-Kopeć of the Institute of Cultural Studies and Journalism at the Ignatianum University in Cracow. The topic proved to be extremely popular and aroused great interest, hence the section itself, as well as the entire issue, is the most extensive one in the journal’s several-year history.
625th Anniversary of the Faculty of Theology in KrakowVol. 43 No. 4/1 (2023)
This issue marks the 625th anniversary of the Faculty of Theology in Krakow and sums up a conference commemorating this event that was organized on January 17, 2022 by the authorities of the Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow and Jagiellonian University. As I do not want to take up too much of your time, I would only like to recommend reading the introduction by Father Rector of Ignatianum University in Cracow, Prof. Tomasz Homa SJ, Prof. of the UIK, the initiator of this publication, and the letters by Fr. Prof. Robert Tyrała, Rector of the Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow, and Prof. Jacek Popiel, Rector of the Jagiellonian University, that were read during last year’s conference. Guest editing was entrusted to Prof. Tomasz Graff, Prof. of the UPJPII from the Department of History and Cultural Heritage at the Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow, who also shed some light on the status and prospects of research on the Faculty of Theology in Krakow.
Culture (in) Hybrid RealityVol. 42 No. 3 (2023)
The current issue of our quarterly is special for at least four organizational and administrative reasons. Firstly, the Ignatianum Academy in Cracow has become a university and as of October 1, 2023, its new name is Ignatianum University in Cracow. Secondly, the journal’s editors, moving with the times, are focusing on an online formula, abandoning the printed form and remaining in wide open access via the online Open Journal Systems platform. Thirdly, by the decision of the Minister of Education and Science announced in the Communiqué of July 17, 2023, regarding the list of academic journals and peer-reviewed materials from international conferences, the journal received 140 points. Finally, fourthly, the list of the parameterized disciplines that the journal covers, namely 1) cultural and religious studies, 2) literary studies, 3) history, and 4) management and quality sciences has been expanded to include other disciplines, such as 5) ethnology and cultural anthropology, 6) philosophy, 7) linguistics, 8) art sciences, 9) Polish studies, 10) political and administrative sciences, 11) social communication and media sciences, and 12) education studies.
Rights of Nations in the Era of Cultural InteractionVol. 41 No. 2/2 (2023)
This issue of the journal is related to the contemporary topical issue of the rights of peoples in the era of cultural interaction. The assembly and editing of texts related to the aforementioned issues was undertaken by Professor of the Jagiellonian University, Leszek Korporowicz, PhD, a long-time collaborator of the Jesuit University Ignatianum in Cracow, including in the Social Dictionaries project, where, together with Dr. Łukasz Burkiewicz and Dr. Agnieszka Knap-Stefaniuk, he became co-editor of the Studia kulturowe collection (Krakow 2022). The leading issue in this journal will be presented in an introduction prepared by Prof. Korporowicz. I would like to mention that in this section there are seventeen texts written by authors from various scientific centers in Poland.
Klasyczne inspiracje i kulturowe aspiracje promotorów kultury polskiej w PadwieVol. 41 No. 2/1 (2023)
The year 2022 marked the 800th anniversary of the establishment of the University of Padua, one that Poles have eagerly chosen as the site of their education since its founding, and one of Europe’s finest intellectual centers of the humanist era. For many years, Polish researchers have pointed out the importance of the university to our country, its culture, science and comprehensive development. The Polish elite of the 15th, 16th and early 17th centuries, including Paweł Włodkowic, Nicolaus Copernicus, Jan Kochanowski and Jan Zamoyski were educated in Padua, but these are just some of the many Polish names associated with the university. In view of the significant importance of the “Paduans” for Polish culture, we have decided to devote the theme section of this issue of Perspectives on Culture to the classical inspirations and cultural aspirations of the promoters of Polish culture in Padua, and to place it under the editorship of Prof. Dr. hab. Mirosław Lenart and Dr. Sławomir Marchel from the University of Opole. His Magnificence Father Rector of the Jesuit University Ignatianum in Cracow, Fr. Dr. Tomasz Homa SJ, AIK Professor, also included his introductory word in the issue.
Protection of Cultural HeritageVol. 40 No. 1 (2023)
The leading topic of this issue is the thematic section Protection of Cultural Heritage under the guest editorship of Prof. AIK Justyna Łukaszewska-Haberkowa, PhD. The section includes eight texts written by authors from various academic centers and cultural institutions in Poland.
The Court of the Queen in the Middle Ages and in the Modern Era - People, Relations, InfluenceVol. 39 No. 4 (2022)
The main theme section of this issue under the guest editorship of Prof. Agnieszka Januszek-Sieradzka, PhD, has been titled “The Court of the Queen in the Middle Ages and in the Modern Era – People, Relationships, Influences.” This section is presented in the introduction by the Professor herself. Let me add that the section contains nine articles written by authors from various research centers in Poland.