The Effectiveness of Tools to Assess Training to Prevent Aggressive Behavior Towards Medical Staff in an Intercultural Perspective
Aggressive behavior poses a serious problem to medical staff. It has numerous consequences for the employees: they may experience anger, helplessness and even burnout, which ultimately affects the therapeutic process in a negative way. To reduce these negative consequences, a number of solutions are put forward, including training to prevent aggression. The content and programs of this type of training remain open, however, the literature recommends focusing on issues related to preventing the occurrence of aggressive behavior. The training is intended to provide the staff with adequate knowledge of how to deal with the aggressive behavior of patients, although this is not the only effect. It also affects the attitudes and sense of self-efficacy of participants. The effectiveness of the training in this area is measurable. Appropriate tools are used to this end, provided by the trainers to the trainees. However, one should take into account the aspects of intercultural differences, such as different training systems, principles of patient care or education, which may condition the effects and changes resulting from training to prevent aggression.
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