Eye-tracking in Cultural Studies

Keywords: eye-tracking, saccade, fixation, the gaze plot


Eye-tracking is a technology based on tracking the movement of eye­balls. The results of the study allow a detailed analysis of the path of sight, and provide answers to the questions: what are we looking at, what we focus on and what we ignore despite that the objects are lo­cated in our field of view. The eye movement tracking is not a new technology, but it is constantly improved and is gaining importance in many fields of science and consumer market research. Contempo­rary culture, oriented to image absorption, is a perfect surface for non-standard eye-tracking research.

Author Biography

Danuta Smołucha, Jesuit University Ignatianum in Krakow

Lecturer at the Institute of Cultural Studies at the Jesuit University Ignatianum in Krakow. Author of articles on the role of new technologies in contemporary culture, author and co-author of tourist guidebooks. Her interests include the interdependencies of the digital media with culture and religion. She is also interested in issues related to the digital humanities, in particular with methods of ob­taining, visualizing and analyzing data in the humanities.


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How to Cite
Smołucha, D. 2020. Eye-tracking in Cultural Studies. Perspectives on Culture. 27, 4 (Jan. 2020), 169-184. DOI:https://doi.org/10.35765/pk.2019.2704.12.
Areas of Cyberculture