About Women who “Busied Themselves with Brigandage”: Katarzyna Włodkowa Skrzyńska and Barbara Rusinowska, Forgotten Lady Robbers from the 15th Century

Keywords: Barbara Rusinowska, Katarzyna Włodkowa Skrzyńska, robbers, heists, the Middle Ages, chronicles, legends


Historiographic sources contain the memory of two 15th-century female rob­bers: Katarzyna Włodkowa Skrzyńska and Barbara Rusinowska. The former was the wife of Włodek from Skrzynów of the Swan coat of arms, who lived in Barwałd Castle in the area of Zator and reigned terror in the whole region. We are concerned here with a peculiar phenomenon, that is, a husband–wife duo of robbers, and the fact that they were both of noble birth only spices up this story. Barbara Rusinowska, who was active in the Świętokrzyskie Moun­tains, was also from a noble family. She attacked manor houses and merchant wagons, and her characteristic trait was her men’s attire. Both bandits were finally captured and executed. The article introduces the life story of these women and compares various (often contradictory) information about their brigandage that has survived in ancient chronicles. In the nineteenth cen­tury, Rusinowska became the heroine of a stage drama written by Aleksander Ładnowski.

Author Biography

Beata Stuchlik-Surowiak, University of Silesia in Katowice

Dr. hab., Professor at the University of Sile­sia in Katowice; author of several books—Obraz małżeństwa w “antyfemi­nistycznych” utworach Bartosza Paprockiego na tle obyczajowych, religijnych oraz literackich zjawisk XVI i pierwszej połowy XVII wieku [The Image of Marriage in the “Anti-Feminist” Works of Bartosz Paprocki against the back­ground of Moral, Religious and Literary Phenomena of the 16th and the first half of the 17th Centuries] (2016), Od Długosza do Internetu. Rzecz o królo­wej Jadwidze [From Długosz to the Internet: About Queen Jadwiga] (2013), and Barokowe epitalamium śląskie. kobieta, małżeństwo, rodzina [Baroque Silesian Epitalamium: Woman, Marriage, Family] (2007)—and author of numerous articles published in collections of essays and journals. Her scientific interests focus on Old Polish literature and culture, ancient customs, and issues related to the role of women in the culture of past eras.


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How to Cite
Stuchlik-Surowiak, B. 2020. About Women who “Busied Themselves with Brigandage”: Katarzyna Włodkowa Skrzyńska and Barbara Rusinowska, Forgotten Lady Robbers from the 15th Century. Perspectives on Culture. 28, 1 (Mar. 2020), 167-179. DOI:https://doi.org/10.35765/pk.2020.2801.13.