A Few Observations on Pope John Paul II’s Relationship to the Ancient World

Keywords: Pope John Paul II, Karol Wojtyła, Ancient World, the Biblical World, Egypt, Holy Land, Greece, Pilgrimages


The article points out a few selected threads of interest related to Karol Wojtyła’s – Pope John Paul II’s – relationship with the ancient world, with the focus on the Biblical lands. Some of his statements on this subject are dis­cussed. Above all, the focus is on John Paul II’s pilgrimages in 2000 and 2001. These two endeavors were connected with the Jubilee Year, in which the Pope visited, among other countries, Egypt, Syria, Jordan and Greece, referring to the ancient history of these locations.

Author Biography

Leszek Zinkow, The Institute of Mediterranean and Oriental Cultures of the Polish Academy of Sciences

His research interests include comparative culture studies, especially the reception of the heritage of the ancient Middle East (mainly Egypt and its historical, mythological narratives and symbolism). Also deals with travel accounts to oriental destinations (editions of texts), the history of museums and collecting, in addition to the history of contemporary culture, the history and practice of the media, the social history of science, transfers, and cultural innovation. He also works at the John Paul II Pontifical University. Member of the International Association of Egyptologists (Mainz), Polish Society of Cultural Studies and the Commission of Classical Philology at the Polish Academy of Sciences (Krakow). Deputy editor-in-chief of the Perspectives on Culture magazine (editor-in-chief in the years 2013–2016).


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How to Cite
Zinkow, L. 2021. A Few Observations on Pope John Paul II’s Relationship to the Ancient World. Perspectives on Culture. 32, 1 (May 2021), 69-78. DOI:https://doi.org/10.35765/pk.2021.3201.07.
Christianity as a Source of European Culture