The Issues of Bio- and Psychopolitics in Pandemic Times as Reminiscences of the Romantic Glorification of Life

Keywords: biopolitics, psychopolitics, Romanticism, pandemic, bare life, homo sacer, achievement subjects


The present coronavirus pandemic has confronted each of us individually and our society at large with new existential and theoretical-practical challenges. In the following article I present a look at the pandemic from the point of view of biopolitics (Michael Foucault, Giorgio Agamben) and psychopolitics (Byung-Chul Han). The reflections on biopolitics and psychopolitics, on top of the terms they used, make us aware of the fragility of human life on the one hand, and on the other hand, they encourage us to look for historical equiva­lents to our current struggle with the pandemic. For me, such an equivalent would be the culture of Romanticism: for example, works by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Friedrich Schiller, Juliusz Słowacki, and Friedrich von Schelling. Starting from a short description of the Romantic era, I proceed to my goal which is to show how, during the pandemic, fundamental questions asked by biotechnology and psychopolitics come to the fore as questions about us, human beings, and our individual and social survival.

Author Biography

Józef Bremer, Jesuit University Ignatianum in Krakow

Professor, he teaches philosophy of language and logic at the Jesuit University Ignatianum in Krakow. His research focuses mainly on the late period in the philosophy of Ludwig Wittgenstein and the phi­losophy of the human person in cognitive sciences. His recently published work includes “an artistic rather than a scientific achievement”: Frege and the poeticality of Wittgenstein’s Tractatus, Philosophia (2020), https://doi. org/10.1007/s11406-020-00216-3; Ludwiga Wittgensteina teoria odwzoro­wania. W filozofii, mechanice, muzyce i architekturze (Kraków 2018).


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How to Cite
Bremer, J. 2021. The Issues of Bio- and Psychopolitics in Pandemic Times as Reminiscences of the Romantic Glorification of Life. Perspectives on Culture. 32, 1 (May 2021), 135-154. DOI:
Christianity as a Source of European Culture