The world of data

A few words about the visualization of information

  • Danuta Smołucha Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie
Keywords: Digital Humanities, digitalization, data, information, visualization


In the world of digital technologies, the creation and reception of in- formation are based on data processing, which is an ordered structure of data stored as a sequence of zeros and ones. This representation has significant consequences on how to collect, process, visualize and analyze data. Currently, they are based mainly on algorithmic meth- ods available from the application level, often generally open and free of charge. Data digitalizing is a challenge for researchers who, to prac- tice digital humanities, should incorporate modern tools to improve their work with the massive amount of data available today. The aim of this article is describing the fundamental issues related to the explo- ration and visualization of data in the humanities. It is a contribution to the broader considerations.

Author Biography

Danuta Smołucha, Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie

Lecturer at the Institute of Cultural Studies at the Ignatianum Academy in Cracow. Author of the monograph Kul- tura religijna w cyberprzestrzeni. Obecność kultu Matki Bożej z Guadalu- pe w internecie [Religious Culture in the Cyberspace. The Veneration of Our Lady of Guadalupe on the Internet] (2016), author of articles on the role of new technologies in the contemporary culture, author and co-author of tourist guidebooks. Her interests include the relationships of the digital media with culture and religion. She is also interested in issues related to the digital humanities, in particular with methods of obtaining, visualizing and analyzing data in the humanities.


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How to Cite
Smołucha, D. 2017. The world of data: A few words about the visualization of information. Perspectives on Culture. 19, 4 (Dec. 2017), 125-138.