Echoes of Goya in Graphic Images of Social and Political Conflict

Keywords: Francisco de Goya y Lucientes, graphic art, images of war, contemporary art


Witnesses of critical events who record them in real-time with images do not have the opportunity to concentrate on the form of such works. Only when returning to the memories, in later projects, do they focus on the artistic components. In an immediate sketch and an elaborated image, the truth of the witnessed events can be emphasized by employing the artistic tradition, which is why drawings made by observers of social and political unrest often refer to the work of Francisco Goya. The article presents the characteristics of the Spanish master’s graphics and gives examples of works from different periods which show links with his artistic language.

Author Biography

Beata Bigaj-Zwonek, Jesuit University Ignatianum in Krakow

Doktor habilitowany, profesor Akademii Ignatianum w Krakowie. Ukończyła Wydział Grafiki ASP w Krakowie. Jej zainteresowania naukowe obejmują wiedzę o kulturze i sztuce, w tym szczególnie problematykę ekspresji w sztuce i sztuki społecznej. W pracy twórczej zajmuje ją postawa i natura człowieka. Swoje obrazy prezentowała na licznych wystawach indywidualnych i zbiorowych.


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How to Cite
Bigaj-Zwonek, B. 2021. Echoes of Goya in Graphic Images of Social and Political Conflict. Perspectives on Culture. 34, 3 (Nov. 2021), 203-220. DOI: