Non-financial Reporting

Legal Aspects and Management Practice in Polish Energy Companies

Keywords: management, intellectual capital, measuring intangibles, legal acts, energy sector enterprises, sustainable development


The aim of the article is to review the most important standards and legal regulations in the field of non-financial reporting and to examine the reporting methods and standards used by energy companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. The authors used desk research, analysis of source data and the formal and legal method. The research results indicate that energy sector companies in Poland, represented by companies from the WIG-energy index on the Warsaw Stock Exchange, apply very different reporting standards, and some of them do not provide information on social or environmental activities. The new provisions of the EU law on the disclosure of non-financial information will introduce the obligation for many companies to report non-financially according to uniform standards.

Author Biographies

Beata Domańska-Szaruga, Military University of Technology

A habilitated doctor of the economic sciences in the discipline of the management sciences. She is a professor at the Jarosław Dąbrowski Military University of Technology in Warsaw, Faculty of Security, Logistics and Management. Until 2021, she held a position of a professor at the University of Natural Sciences and Humanities in Siedlce, where she has worked for many years as a lecturer. She specialises in financial management, risk management, internal control and shaping organisational structures in enterprises and public organisations. Her interests also include banking, financial exclusion, and human resource management. She has authored and co-authored nearly one hundred scientific papers, including monographs, chapters in monographs, and scientific articles.

Dorota Strus, University of Siedlce

A habilitated doctor of legal sciences. She is a professor at University of Natural Sciences and Humanities in Siedlce, Faculty of Social Sciences. Specialized in environmental law, systemic issues related to the functioning of self-governmental administration in Poland and issues of broadly understood social participation in the implementation of local and regional environmental policy and execution of public tasks. Author of several dozen studies on legal and administrative aspects of environmental protection and cooperation between governmental sector entities and non-governmental organisations.


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How to Cite
Domańska-Szaruga, B. and Strus, D. 2023. Non-financial Reporting: Legal Aspects and Management Practice in Polish Energy Companies. Perspectives on Culture. 44, 1 (Aug. 2023), 313-336. DOI: