From the Editors
The current issue is larger than the typical issues of Perspectives on Culture. This is primarily related to the theme section, Studies on Eastern Churches Culture within the Borders of the Former Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, under the guest editorship of staff members of the Department of Polish-Ukrainian Studies at the Faculty of International and Political Studies of the Jagiellonian University: Associate Prof. Alicja Zofia Nowak, PhD, Professor of the Jagiellonian University, and Associate Prof. Agnieszka Gronek, PhD, Professor of the Jagiellonian University. This section is presented in the Editorial written by the two Professors, and is a continuation of their previous projects on similar topics (2016 and 2019 monograph editions). I would only add that it contains 19 articles written by authors from Poland, Ukraine, Belarus, Germany, France and Italy. The section is also complemented by two articles. The first is a short communiqué by Archbishop Ihor Isichenko (V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy) presenting Kharkiv, and more precisely, Kharkiv churches in the first weeks of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The other one is a review of Oleh Bolyuk’s book Wooden sacred artifacts (as based on Ukraine’s western regions) by Agnieszka Gronek (Jagiellonian University).
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