From the Editors
The year 2022 marked the 800th anniversary of the establishment of the University of Padua, one that Poles have eagerly chosen as the site of their education since its founding, and one of Europe’s finest intellectual centers of the humanist era. For many years, Polish researchers have pointed out the importance of the university to our country, its culture, science and comprehensive development. The Polish elite of the 15th, 16th and early 17th centuries, including Paweł Włodkowic, Nicolaus Copernicus, Jan Kochanowski and Jan Zamoyski were educated in Padua, but these are just some of the many Polish names associated with the university. In view of the significant importance of the “Paduans” for Polish culture, we have decided to devote the theme section of this issue of Perspectives on Culture to the classical inspirations and cultural aspirations of the promoters of Polish culture in Padua, and to place it under the editorship of Prof. Dr. hab. Mirosław Lenart and Dr. Sławomir Marchel from the University of Opole. His Magnificence Father Rector of the Jesuit University Ignatianum in Cracow, Fr. Dr. Tomasz Homa SJ, AIK Professor, also included his introductory word in the issue.
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