From the Editors


We begin the new issue of Perspectives on Culture with some very sad news. Dr. Urszula Tes, an outstanding film scholar, affiliated with the Institute of Cultural Studies at Ignatianum University in Krakow for many years, passed away unexpectedly on December 25, 2021. We were not prepared for her passing and we still find it difficult to come to terms with it. Not so long ago we talked with Ula about her idea of creating a permanent film studies section in Perspectives on Culture. Although we were unable to put this idea into motion, we would like to return to it in the near future and dedicate one of the issues of Perspectives on Culture to the memory of Dr. Urszula Tes and film topics so close to her heart.

How to Cite
Burkiewicz, Łukasz and Zając, G. 2022. From the Editors. Perspectives on Culture. 36, 1 (Mar. 2022), 11-18. DOI: