From the Editors


The Bible is, next to the achievements of antiquity, one of the most im­portant foundations of European culture and has had a significant impact on people who encountered it. It is the holy book for Christians and for Jews, while also being a source of universal themes, inspiring various areas of our lives. For centuries, biblical themes are the inspiration for artists, and the Bible itself, following the words of Professor Anna Świderkówna, “has entered so deeply into our art, our literature, our mentality, our vo­cabulary that we cannot deny this heritage even if we tried.” In this con­text, as mentioned above, and the nature of this cultural studies journal, the theme in the current issue is the role the Bible has played in culture. A look at this issue has been taken from the perspective of Polish and for­eign (Ukrainian) researchers.

Author Biography

Łukasz Burkiewicz, Jesuit University Ignatianum in Krakow

Cultural scientist, historian and economist of cul­ture. Adjunct at the Institute of Cultural Studies of the Jesuit Univer­sity Ignatianum in Krakow. His research interests are related to the hi­story of culture of the Mediterranean countries in the Middle Ages and throughout modernity. He is also interested in Medieval travelers. His research also involves issues related to the management, marketing, economics and culture.

How to Cite
Burkiewicz, Łukasz 2019. From the Editors. Perspectives on Culture. 26, 3 (Oct. 2019), 9-12. DOI:
From the Editors

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