Egypt in the Early 20th Century in the Light of Newspaper Essays of Tadeusz Smoleński


This paper brings to light the reports and analyses written by Tadeusz Smoleński, a forgotten source on the political history of the Middle East and particularly Egypt, in the first decade of the 20th century. Tadeusz Smoleński (1884–1909), the first Polish Egyptologist, was also a regular correspondent of the Lviv daily newspaper Słowo Polskie [‘The Polish Word’]. In his reports, he outlines a panoramic view of Egypt’s extraordinarily complex political situa­tion, determined by tensions between the European powers, i.e., the rivalry between Britain and France, and between Russia and Germany. Another fac­tor whose growing importance was noted by the Polish observer, is the rise of nationalist and Islamist movements in both Egypt and the Arab world as a whole. This takes place alongside the chronic political instability of the Otto­man Empire. While acknowledging all of the beneficial aspects of British rule (especially under the consulship of Sir Evelyn Baring), Smoleński does not hide his sympathies for Mus????t????afà Kāmil Bāšā, leader of the Egyptian national­ists. In his analysis, Smoleński also hints at some analogies between the situa­tion of the Egyptians and the Poles in their ambitions to set up an independ­ent nation-state.

Author Biography

Leszek Zinkow, The Institute of Mediterranean and Oriental Cultures of the Polish Academy of Sciences

His research interests include comparative culture stu­dies, especially the reception of the heritage of the ancient Middle East (mainly Egypt and its historical, mythological narratives and symbolism). Also deals with travel accounts to oriental destinations (editions of texts), the history of museums and collecting, in addition to the history of con­temporary culture, the history and practice of the media, the social history of science, transfers, and cultural innovation. He also works at the John Paul II Pontifical University. Member of the International Association of Egyptologists (Mainz), Polish Society of Cultural Studies and the Com­mission of Classical Philology at the Polish Academy of Sciences (Kra­kow). Deputy editor-in-chief of the “Perspektywy Kultury” magazine (editor-in-chief in the years 2013–2016).


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How to Cite
Zinkow, L. 2020. Egypt in the Early 20th Century in the Light of Newspaper Essays of Tadeusz Smoleński. Perspectives on Culture. 31, 4 (Dec. 2020), 9-28. DOI:
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