Values in Managing a Contemporary Enterprise – the Perspective of Intercultural Management

Keywords: values, managing by values, intercultural management


The purpose of the article is to define the role and importance of values in managing a contemporary enterprise, while taking into account the perspective of intercultural management. Values are a very important element affecting employees’ motivation and commitment in achieving common goals, especially in a culturally diverse work environment. The first part of the article explains the essence of management through values. The next part describes the role of values in management and benefits stemming from managing by values. Next intercultural management and its dimensions are discussed, whereas the last part describes the challenges related to values in intercultural management.

Author Biographies

Agnieszka Knap-Stefaniuk, Jesuit University Ignatianum in Krakow

Doctor of Economics at the SGH Social-Economic College, holder of an MBA from Thames Valley University, graduate of the School of Trainers at Wszechnica UJ. She was a member of the PKA (Team for Economic Sciences) and Head of the Department of Human Resources Management at the Polish Open University, lecturer of the BA, MSc, and MBA studies, and a member of the Rector’s Committee and the Scientific Council. From 2007 to 2015 she was Dean of the Krakow Faculty of Wyższa Szkoła Zarządzania/ Polish Open University; 2015–2017 she was Dean of the Krakow Faculty of Vistula University and a lecturer of the BA and MA studies in AFiBVistula [Assistant Professor at the Institute of Management]. Since 2018, she has been Vice Director of the Institute of Political and Administrative Sciences for Didactic Affairs for the Faculty of Education at the Jesuit University Ignatianum in Krakow. She cooperates with businesses and has served as a trainer, consultant, and facilitator for, e.g., Lexmark, Galeco, Biprocemwap, and Capgemini. She is the author of many publications on Human Resources Management. She specializes in issues related to strategic and international HRM, leadership, motivation, and contemporary challenges in HRM, such as corporate culture, competency management and talent management. She conducts lectures and workshops at universities in Spain, Portugal, Italy, and Czechia.

Joan Sorribes, Escola Universitària Formatic Barcelona-Universitat de Girona

Escola Universitària Formatic Barcelona – PhD in Economics in the discipline of Applied Economics by the University of Girona. Member of the INSETUR research group. Member of the GREPAT research group at the Formatic Barcelona University School. Member of the competitive consolidated research group SGR “TRIP” at University of Girona. Head of Quality and Head of the Department of Economic and Legal Sciences at the Formatic Barcelona University School. Associate Professor at Applied Economics Department of the Faculty of Economic and Business Sciences at the University of Girona. Associate Professor at the School of Social and Business Sciences (Pompeu Fabra University). Scientific interests: Economic crisis, Corporate Social Responsibility, Human Resource Management, Sustainable Tourism and E-learning.


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How to Cite
Knap-Stefaniuk, A. and Sorribes, J. 2021. Values in Managing a Contemporary Enterprise – the Perspective of Intercultural Management. Perspectives on Culture. 34, 3 (Nov. 2021), 141-156. DOI:
Cross Cultural Management