Does a Post-modern Consumer Need the Sacred?

Few Impressions about the Issue

Keywords: post-modernity, consumerism, cult of the body, religion, sacred, spirituality, transcendence


In the age of post-modernity the religious and ethical awareness of societies are undergoing devaluation. We are witnessing walking away from religiosity and the denial of its values. Religiosity is replaced with “metaphysical” sacralised consumerism and the worship of the body, which are seen as a shorter route to heaven. As the response to the fall of traditional values, a new form of spirituality is emerging. It is based on distance, rejection and going beyond empty and compulsive consumerism. Thanks to that an individual is able to regain self-determination and one’s own humanity.

Author Biographies

Jarosław Kinal, University of Rzeszow

PhD, employee of the Institute of History at the University of Rzeszów. Sociologist of communication and media scholar. His research interests include issues of media convergence, information society and technological determinism.

Krzysztof Bochenek, Uniwersytet Rzeszowski

Assistant Professor and professor at the University of Rzeszów. Director of the Institute of Philosophy of the College of Humanities, the University of Rzeszów. Philosopher. His research focuses on medieval studies, the history of Polish philosophy, personalism, professional ethics of various groups of workers and the chalenges of modern times.


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How to Cite
Kinal, J. and Bochenek, K. 2022. Does a Post-modern Consumer Need the Sacred? Few Impressions about the Issue. Perspectives on Culture. 41, 2/2 (Sep. 2022), 433-442. DOI: