“Inde Insulam Cyprum Inter Graecos Et Sarraticos (Sarracenos)…”

Cyprus in 724 Ad as Seen by the English Monk Willibald

Keywords: Willibald, Hygeburg of Heidenheim, Cyprus, travel, Byzantium, Arabs, pilgrimage


This article takes a close look at excerpts from an account of a journey to the Holy Land made in 720s by the English monk Willibald (700–787/789), later bishop of the Bavarian city of Eichstätt, an associate of the Archbishop of Ger­mania, St. Boniface and a saint of the Catholic Church. Willibald dictated the account of his peregrination many years after his pilgrimage to a related nun, Hygeburge of Heidenheim, who then wrote down his biography and descrip­tions of his travels in a work entitled Hodoeporicon Sancti Willibaldi. Frag­ments of the above‑mentioned travel account concerning the specific political, social, and cultural situation in Cyprus that took place between the 7th and 9th centuries are the subject of the detailed analysis contained in this paper. Willibald arrived on the island during this period: specifically in the year 724. Cyprus at that time acted as an Arab‑Byzantine quasi‑condominium, being the object of efforts of these two powers, on the one hand officially trying to preserve its neutral character, while on the other working to diminish the influence of their competitor there. This peculiar situation had its effect on the relationship between Muslims (Arabs) and Christians (Cypriots and Byzan­tines) living on the island.

Author Biography

Łukasz Burkiewicz, Jesuit University Ignatianum in Krakow

Cultural studies scholar, historian, economist of culture, and Assistant Professor at the Institute of Cultural Studies at the Jesuit University Ignatianum in Krakow. His scholarly interests are related to the cultural history of the Mediterranean region in the Middle Ages and the modern age. He also deals with medieval travels. His research includes issues related to cultural management, marketing, and economics.


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How to Cite
Burkiewicz, Łukasz 2021. “Inde Insulam Cyprum Inter Graecos Et Sarraticos (Sarracenos)…”: Cyprus in 724 Ad as Seen by the English Monk Willibald. Perspectives on Culture. 33, 2 (Jul. 2021), 153-174. DOI:https://doi.org/10.35765/pk.2021.3302.11.

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