Technical Classes in Early-childhood Education

  • Marek Skiba Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski
Keywords: early-childhood education, technical education, arts and crafts education, technical creativity, school system


This article discusses issues pertaining to technical education as conducted in Classes I–III of primary schools. Developments in science and technology have affected people’s whole lives, and are responsible for the cultural level of contemporary civilization. People are somehow obliged to have constant ”contact” with the products of technology, and expect to be able to make free use of them themselves. Hence the kind of person who is supposed to emerge from a process of ongoing education cannot be one who is oblivious to the significant growth of technical culture in our day. Technical classes in early-childhood education should already be aiming to introduce the technical realm as it stands in the present day. The first years of school are a time when a child encounters a number of challenges that are quite new for them. This article also refers to the forms and methods of working with children in the classroom, technical implementation of what lies within the scope of various activities, and ways to motivate students and encourage their interests and imagination. Primary-school education in Classes I–III is realized in an integrated form. In early-childhood education, teachers who possess interesting and creative personalities play an important role – teachers, that is, who, besides conducting classes in the Polish language, mathematics, music, and scientific education, also open up the ”world of technology” to children, and thus help them to develop their passions, talents and interests. The world which each child is every day in contact with is one that abounds in the sheer variety of objects created by man. Also, many items supposedly meant for entertaining and educating small children contain a mass of technical inventions. Pupils can learn in class about the technical design, planning and production of useful items. Their sensitivity is educated, and at the same time they discover their potential and talents, familiarizing themselves with the organization of technical work in the process.


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How to Cite
Skiba, M. (2016). Technical Classes in Early-childhood Education. Elementary Education in Theory and Practice, 10(37/3), 87-104.