Finance & Journal Sponsorship

Sources of funding for the journal 

Access to published articles in the journal is free of charge. Sources of funding for the journal are university/publisher grants and ministerial programs indicated on the journal's website.

The journal does not engage in advertising/sale of advertising space in publications. 

Publication fees

The journal does not charge for the publishing/publication process (Article Processing Charges, APCs) and for text approval (submission charge) - review process. Editing and publication of articles are free of charge.  Authors are not required to pay an article submission fee.


Quarterly EETP is financed by the Ministry of Education and Science as part of the program of the Minister of Education and Science: "Development of scientific journals", for 2022-2024 contract number RCN/SN/0336/2021/1

Ministerstwo Edukacji i Nauki - Portal

Quarterly EETP is financed by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education within the frame of the programme "Support for Scientific Journals 2019-2020" - Agreement No. 11/WCN/2019/1