Research on Child Sexuality

Keywords: child sexuality, methodology, anthropology, collage, child


The presented text is an attempt to review existing studies on child sexuality. On the one hand, it is concerned with stereotypical beliefs about it and, on the other, there is still a lack of reliable research and publications. Currently, the guidance market is “flourishing”, where many books devoted to this subject appear, unfortunately it often has an ideological form and is not always based on scientific research. The structure of the text consists of four parts. The author begins her reflections on the child’s sexuality by also invoking anthropological themes. She then presents examples of student’s artistic expressions on the subject in the form of montages. The article closes with an overview of the commonest methodological solutions available in child sexuality literature.


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How to Cite
Ratkowska-Pasikowska, J. (2018). Research on Child Sexuality. Elementary Education in Theory and Practice, 13(4(50), 103-112.