A Narrative Interview with a Child with the Illustration of a Child’s Relation of their First Holy Communion
The purpose of this article is to show the applicability of narrative interview techniques with children. The subject under consideration are the methodological and ethical problems of the applied method and practical difficulties accompanying the acquisition of narratives from this group of respondents. In the text, I address selected issues concerning research on children and childhood, and then the issues that I have encountered in my research practice. Reflection on free narrative interview as a method of qualitative research used for study of childhood, I undertake with the example of 11 interviews with nine-year-olds on the subject of their first communion. Giving voice to children as narrators allowed me to observe not only the methodological values of the narrative interview technique, but also the ways in which children interpret the same important event. The application of this method to children leads to the conclusion that it is a valuable way of collecting data that allows us to look at the surrounding reality and ways of interpreting it from the perspective of a young narrator often overlooked in research.References
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