From the Word to the Story. Improving Children’s Narrative Competences as a Way to Improve Storytelling Skills
The subject of the article is a story shown from the perspective of pedolinguistic reflection on narrative (as the essence of broadly- understood story). The initial parts of the article explain the most important theoretical issues related to narrative and narrative competence. That is important for proceeding to further considerations. The main part of the work concerns the possibility of using an ability to tell stories (from the earliest age) inspeech therapy focused on improving language communication and other aspects of child development. Thus, the purpose of the article is to emphasize the importance and the function of a story seen from the perspective of therapeutic interactions. That is why, the authors of the article present the specific features of speech therapy implemented in order to develop the narrative competence. However, this competence is not only the final effect of the therapeutic process, but also an important tool for shaping other key competences. Narrative proficiency becomes the therapeutic purpose and the tool for building various competences in the minds of individuals. The suggested strategies and forms of exercises are based on the authors’ therapeutic experience related to working with patients with various developmental disabilities. At the same time, the examples used in the paper reflect theoretical scientific debate concerning the role of narration in broadly understood therapy of various disorders.
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