Kamishibai in Regional Education. Strategies of Creating Paper Theater by Future and Current Teachers

Keywords: kamishibai, paper theatre, regional education, literary education, creative activities


This text presents a way of using paper theatre in regional education. Derived from the Japanese tradition called kamishibai, the theatre is a combination of visual art and storytelling. The historical path it has followed to become rooted in the contemporary education (especially dedicated to preschool and early school children) is described in the first part of the article. Further considerations are related to the research which aimed at learning the strategy for creating paper theatres by teachers of Łódź schools and kindergartens, and by the students of the Faculty of Educational Sciences at the University of Łódź who specialize in  early school and preschool education, and who are involved in the project: "Kamishibai in regional education" (organized by the Łódź Centre for Teacher Training and Practical Education). I analysed 62 projects (prepared in the form of charts and texts, or in the form of recorded films) that were made available by the participants on the Moodle and MS Teams platform. The applied research methods (analysis of documents and nondirective interview) allowed me to discuss the choice of literary material and the potential and limitations of the kamishibai method. Eventually, they made it possible for me to describe the strategy for designing paper theaters, which are to popularize contact with the art of the word of the Lodz region.


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How to Cite
Kaliszewska-Henczel, M. (2021). Kamishibai in Regional Education. Strategies of Creating Paper Theater by Future and Current Teachers. Elementary Education in Theory and Practice, 16(1(59), 67-78. https://doi.org/10.35765/eetp.2021.1659.05