Research Findings Pertaining to the Use of Activating Methods by Pre-school Teachers in Years I–III

  • Urszula Ordon Akademia im. Jana Długosza w Częstochowie
Keywords: method, activating methods, teacher, pre-school and earlyschool education


The purpose of this study is to identify the opinions of teachers working in both pre-school institutions and Years I–III, regarding the usefulness and applicability of activating methods in the educational process at these levels, and to determine the advantages and optimum frequency of use of these methods when working with children of pre-school and earlyschool ages. On the basis of the survey conducted, we can conclude that an important task for contemporary schools, especially at the level of preschool and early-school education, is the putting into practice of a variety of working methods – amongst these, those that activate children and pupils. The survey conducted reveals that teachers do appreciate the value of activating methods, and very often use them in their work. According to the respondents, the most useful methods are didactic games and activating techniques. Looked at in the light of the answers collected, their use is seen as having a positive influence in respect of increasing children’s activity, enhancing the attractiveness of classes, improving communication, cooperation and reciprocity in groups, and developing children’s creativity and self-confidence. Moreover, these methods contribute to improving relations between teachers and pupils. It is, moreover, highly significant that almost half of the respondents noticed major improvements in respect of the effectiveness of the educational process when the latter was organized so as to include making use of activating methods. In the contemporary education system active methods and forms of teaching have become fundamental, and are gradually replacing expository methods, which deprive children of active participation both in play and in learning. The fact that the teachers examined in the course of this study declare that they often use activating methods in their work at the level of pre-school and early-school education may thus be considered a very positive tendency, and we may expect to see positive results issuing from this in the future.


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How to Cite
Ordon, U. (2016). Research Findings Pertaining to the Use of Activating Methods by Pre-school Teachers in Years I–III. Elementary Education in Theory and Practice, 10(37/3), 129-144.