The Methods Employed in an Educational Project Aimed at Fostering Active Engagement and Creative Expression Amongst Nursery-school Children (Using the Theatre Educational Project, Executed with a Group of Five-year-old Children, as a Model)

  • Magdalena Sabina Zrałek Doktorantka Uniwersytetu Śląskiego w Katowicach
Keywords: child, teacher, parent, educational project, activity, creative expression, cooperation


The research for this study aimed to determine whether educational projects implemented at pre-school level enable children to develop a capacity for active and creative expression. During the investigation, the author used the diagnostic survey method. The author stresses the importance nowadays of arriving at a creative approach, both in one’s thinking and in embarking on one’s own activities. The author emphasizes the partial character of the results presented here, which are taken from a larger body of research material and specifically pertain to the Theatre educational project. The choice of the author is not accidental, in that she holds that activity and creative expression, in the present day, form an indispensable element of the existence of human beings. The educational process, from its earliest phases on, must be organized so as to release in children their capacities for both active engagement and creative expression: after all, these are essential when it comes to encountering difficulties and coping with problems. Teachers working with the youngest children (i.e. nursery-school teachers) should use active methods at their work, in order to foster these capacities in their pupils. One of these methods is the educational project, which lends itself to being used at kindergarten level as it is an example of learning by experience and allows pupils to improve their knowledge. What is more, such a project engenders its own particular integration of home and kindergarten environments, thanks to the involvement of parents at different stages of its realization.


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Załącznik nr 1 do rozporządzenia MEN z dnia 23 grudnia 2008 r., Dziennik Ustaw z dnia 15 stycznia 2009 r., Nr 4, poz. 17.

How to Cite
Zrałek, M. S. (2016). The Methods Employed in an Educational Project Aimed at Fostering Active Engagement and Creative Expression Amongst Nursery-school Children (Using the Theatre Educational Project, Executed with a Group of Five-year-old Children, as a Model). Elementary Education in Theory and Practice, 10(37/3), 145-158.