The Artistic Skills of Romani Children – False Truths, Stereotypes and Facts
This text is concerned with research conducted in order to present the characteristics and level of skill development of Romani children from the Bergitka Roma tribe, who reside in Upper Silesia (Zabrze, in this case). The presentation of the research results must be preceded by a short but substantial introduction to the subject of the Romani people and their sociocultural functioning. In the section entitled „The Romani people – who are they and where are they heading?”, facts concerning the unclear origins of the people are discussed; so is the resulting necessity to roam which, taking into account their folk legends, seems to almost resemble a kind of penitence. The next section, „The internal diversity of the Romani minority group – on four Romani tribes”, constitutes a presentation of four Romani tribes, which differ from one another when it comes to financial status, concern with their own culture and language, and even ways of earning their living. Understanding these four tribes is particularly vital to the author’s research, both because it concerns the Bergitka Roma tribe and because of the ambiguous character of the connotations typically associated with this ethnic community (poverty and wealth, living off fortunetelling or stage performances and begging, etc.). A more theoretical introductory part is followed by the results of the research. Due to the focus on quality, the results are not generalized, but are presented in the form of works of art. Commentary based on the analysis of a work, on observations, and on an interview with a teacher are provided after the images. Lastly, a conclusion is set out, supporting the idea of individualized teaching, especially in the case of Romani children who, due to family, cultural and financial factors, experience hindrances in their early education.References
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