The Role of Teachers and Parents in Organization of Free Time Activities for Students of Early School Age

  • Anna Kowalczyk Nauczyciel wychowania przedszkolnego, absolwentka Akademii Ignatianum w Krakowie
Keywords: leisure, child at early school age, parents, teachers, school, organization and time management


We live in a time focused on the fast pace of life and an increased desire to set professional and personal goals. Good time management is a skill highly valued by employers, co-workers, family, and society, above all by ourselves. Wise time management is important not only in adulthood but also in childhood, because then the child learns that his life consists not only of the duties and tasks to do but also the time for rest and recuperation. At the time when the child moves from kindergarten to school stage daily rhythm is changed and the child has to get used to the situation where besides play and entertainment compulsory education appears. The child should have a certain amount of free time since the time of early school age is a very active stage in the life of a young man. It is important that the youngest generation were assisted in the selection of activities, which wants to fill free time. The task of the vicinity, parents and teachers, is to create the conditions for the child that could develop himself through active leisure activities in accordance with his interests and preferences. Undoubtedly, the acquisition of appropriate leisure habits in childhood results in the school at a later age. Teachers encourage parents in the upbringing of the younger children to creative leisure. Using the knowledge of pedagogy, psychology and other scientific fields in a professional manner try to explore and stimulate natural predisposition, skills and talents of students. Their task is also appropriate targeting of children inorder to develop their skills and gain new qualifications.


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How to Cite
Kowalczyk, A. (2016). The Role of Teachers and Parents in Organization of Free Time Activities for Students of Early School Age. Elementary Education in Theory and Practice, 10(35/1), 95-114.