Additional Classes in The Kindergarten

  • Jolanta Karbowniczek Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie, Instytut Nauk o Wychowaniu, Katedra Dydaktyki i Wczesnej Edukacji Dziecka
  • Klaudia Nowakiewicz Przedszkole Niepubliczne Akademia Przedszkolaka w Siewierzu
Keywords: additional classes, forms of activity, interests, types of classes


Nowadays, enrolling children in additional classes is becoming more and more common. The program of many pre-school institutions is also very diversified. These activities undoubtedly have a lot of advantages, thanks to them children can enrich their knowledge, develop their passions and interests as well as make new acquintances. It is worth to remember though that in order for them to have a positive impact on the child, it is required to keep common sense and moderation in their selection, make sure that the child wants to participate in them and that they are not an additional burden for him. Many parents assume that refusing to enroll their children in such classes means neglecting their development and will cause the child to lag behind other children. As a result, even one years-olds learn foreign languages because the sooner the better. All of that is supposed to stimulate their development, facilitate their start in the future, help in discovering their passions and talents. This decision is worth to be taken altogether, however, the child should have the casting vote here as additional classes are not only to provide educational benefits, but most of all, give pleasure. Kindergarten is an educational institution offering additional classes that are versatile and attractive form of child's activity. They serve the purpose of developing children's interests in science, art, technology and social life. They fulfil the didactic and the educational function. The purpose of this article is to present types of additional classes and to show the cooperation between parents and the teacher in organizing free time that may be utilized in a very creative, original and constructive way.


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How to Cite
Karbowniczek, J., & Nowakiewicz, K. (2016). Additional Classes in The Kindergarten. Elementary Education in Theory and Practice, 10(35/1), 209-222. Retrieved from