Developing Activities Oriented at Discovering Mathematical Knowledge: Concepts by Preschool and Early School Pedagogy Students

Keywords: early school education, mathematical guided-discovery learning, didactic concepts of students


The search for teaching methods facilitating more effective learning of mathematics is one of the challenges faced by contemporary education. Even though semantically effectiveness is closer to economic notions, the term can also be applied when assessing the school learning process. In defining what we believe to be the tell-tale signs of effective learning of mathematics, our attention has been drawn to developing skills facilitating a broad application of knowledge specific to this discipline within and also outside of its scope. Guided discovery is a method that enables pupils to construct mathematical knowledge while improving their understanding thereof. The present study aimed to discover the concepts students of preschool and early school education have for constructing guided-discovery lessons to support mathematical learning, as well as their opinions on the attractiveness and usefulness of the suggested solutions. Quantitative and qualitative analyses of student proposed lesson plans and questionnaire results indicate difficulties in designing lessons using this method while recognising their educational value.


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How to Cite
Pawlusińska, L. (2024). Developing Activities Oriented at Discovering Mathematical Knowledge: Concepts by Preschool and Early School Pedagogy Students. Elementary Education in Theory and Practice, 19(1(72), 137-154.