The Reception of Kazimiera Iłłakowiczówna’s Work Łódeczka – “the Reader’s Response”
The paper presents a study of the reception children’s literature based on the example of the work by Kazimiera Iłłakowiczówna entitled Łódeczka from Zwierzaki i zioła (1985). The research involved actual readers – both children and adults. The author’s aim was to establish what features of the text drew the audience’s particular attention, whether there were differences in the reception depending on age, what kind of sensations were evoked. The short story triggered various self-reactions connected to the sensory sphere, mostly tactile, and simultaneously evoked feelings accompanying subjective experiences. The reception proved the existence of a memory of haptic sensations as well as it acknowledged the poetics of the text as emotionally charged, sensual and bodily “territory.”
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