Children’s Rights, Human Rights in the Latest Literature for Children: Choice and Recommendations for Education
The article offers the analysis of selected books addressed to children, in which the subject of children's rights in reference to the Convention on the Rights of the Child as well as human rights in relation to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is present. Reaching for the content analysis method used in qualitative research methodology, I analyze and interpret the content of the latest books (second decade of the 21st century), both by Polish and foreign-language writers. I attempt to answer the questions: whether and how the analyzed books can help children understand and consciously exercise their rights? what human rights are emphasized in the selected books?; to what extent are the analyzed books open to discussions with the reader? The text is composed of two parts. In the first one, I present the existing state of knowledge in the social sciences and humanities about the lack of childhood categories throughout history and how the process of forming the child's subjectivity took place, giving rise to the recording of his rights. In the second part of the text, I present conclusions from content analyzes of selected books addressed to children. I point to books in which the child is treated subjectively - as a citizen "here and now”. Literature that can help educators, parents and people who care about protecting the child's individuality in planning care and educational work.
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