STEAM Math Activities for Children in Selected European Science Centres

Keywords: Steam, learning centers, interactive learning, math education, children's activies


The concept of STEAM learning can be found in science centres today. It involves holistic problem-solving and challenge-solving. This approach combines and integrates five fields of knowledge: nature, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics. The aim of the research described in the article below was to analyse exhibits/exhibitions addressed to children, which could be a carrier of specific STEAM activities. This analysis was carried out taking into account students’ achievements in understanding mathematical issues. The study was carried out in five European science centres, using a qualitative strategy, as well as analysing documents. The language of the exhibits revealed the possibility of broad cognitive support in the STEAM development of children of early school education visiting science centres. The research results can be used to design effective STEAM classes for children from grades 1–3 of primary school within, for example, educational projects. The topics discussed, as well as the ways and methods of presenting the issues in the science centres, can serve as an inspiration for teachers in terms of conducting classes (not only extracurricular) in a way that better motivates children to search for their own solutions, try or even create.


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How to Cite
Bojarska-Sokołowska, A. (2024). STEAM Math Activities for Children in Selected European Science Centres. Elementary Education in Theory and Practice, 19(4(75), 39-54.