Towards Critical Reception of Informational Book for Children
Model of Reading and Its Application on the Example of Which Way to Yellowstone? by Aleksandra and Daniel Mizielińscy
The article presents the guidelines and potential application of a model for the critical reading of an informational book for children, i.e., a set of procedures designed to foster the development of reading practices among young readers. The model is based on studies by Joe Sutliff Sanders and research embedded in the whole book approach, which, when applied to reading practice, can provoke critical thinking when facing the information in the book. The model is discussed and applied in practice by analysing Aleksandra and Daniel Mizielińscy’s informational picture book Którędy do Yellowstone? Dzika podróż po parkach narodowych [Which Way to Yellowstone? A Wild Journey through the National Parks] (2020), one of the few 21st century books on the reading list for grades I–III of the Polish school system, awarded in Poland and internationally and translated into many languages. The model, presenting successive areas of reading, focuses on four elements: peritexts, the volume of faction, rhetoric and ideology. The presented model is intended to encourage reading Mizielińscy’s book and other informational picture books in the framework of critical education based on independent thinking and verification of information given by authorities, such as informational books.
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